Authors Note: What would you tell our founding fathers if they were living? I think that the piece below describes exactly what I would say to those noble men.
Founding Fathers,
Patriotism runs through our veins like our own blood; it flows and
gushes until the day we die. It’s something that gets past down from generation
to generation. But not only would patriotism not exist but our freedom and
rights would be absent, if you brave and treasured men hadn’t fought
and laid the foundation for the country we know today.
First of all, my Great-grandfather and grandmother took the
lonesome journey of moving all the way from Portugal and Belgium at the ages of
13 and 16 to settle in the new country for a better life. Resulting in them
marrying and creating the family I have today. None of this would have been
possible if it weren’t for the freedom and rights you have constructed and
given us today. You have made America a place for safety, opportunity, and a
place for immigrates to call home. You men made America the land of the free
and the home of the Brave.
Not only did you make
America a home for immigrates, but you made America the home of baseball, apple
pie, barbeques, and Coca-Cola. A country that is strong and successful, that
gives hope for a better life, and that is ready for the bumps that
lie in the path ahead. You have made this country for what it is today. Today,
many people do not give you the credit you deserve. No one looks at how the
country came to be. They just look at the government today and who is ruling
it. Maybe they do not realize the role you played in forming the country or do
they just not care? Without your courage and faithfulness to our country our
accomplishments and government would have never came to be. This country may
never have been free if it weren't for your insatiable hunger for freedom and
the fight you made sure to prevail. Whose broad stripes and bright stars
thru the perilous fight.
Some may say that many people don’t appreciate you and some may
say that you were not as successful as wanted with establishing this country. This I
disagree with. I would prefer to put them in your shoes and question them
on their knowledge during the times of the Revolutionary War and when you
signed the Declaration of Independence. How would they start a country? I
perceive this task as a pretty challenging one. One that takes a thought
process of very smart individuals. To decree laws and then use them 300 years later is quite an achievement! Due to your laws we have become very successful but we continue to
apply our strength judiciously and to preserve human rights around the world.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave.
In the third verse in the Star Spangled banner it states ”Their
blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.” Britain left a print on
America at the start of the Revolutionary war killing many of your brethrens,
but once the war had subsided it showed that there blood of defeat had washed
away those prints. Leaving a space for our new patriotic blood to fill.