"Failure is Success in Progress"

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Patriots Pen

Authors Note: What would you tell our founding fathers if they were living? I think that the piece below describes exactly what I would say to those noble men.

Dear Founding Fathers,
Patriotism runs through our veins like our own blood; it flows and gushes until the day we die. It’s something that gets past down from generation to generation. But not only would patriotism not exist but our freedom and rights would be absent,  if you brave and treasured men hadn’t fought and laid the foundation for the country we know today.
First of all, my Great-grandfather and grandmother took the lonesome journey of moving all the way from Portugal and Belgium at the ages of 13 and 16 to settle in the new country for a better life. Resulting in them marrying and creating the family I have today. None of this would have been possible if it weren’t for the freedom and rights you have constructed and given us today. You have made America a place for safety, opportunity, and a place for immigrates to call home. You men made America the land of the free and the home of the Brave.
Not only did you make America a home for immigrates, but you made America the home of baseball, apple pie, barbeques, and Coca-Cola. A country that is strong and successful, that gives hope for a better life, and that is ready for the bumps that lie in the path ahead. You have made this country for what it is today. Today, many people do not give you the credit you deserve. No one looks at how the country came to be. They just look at the government today and who is ruling it. Maybe they do not realize the role you played in forming the country or do they just not care? Without your courage and faithfulness to our country our accomplishments and government would have never came to be. This country may never have been free if it weren't for your insatiable hunger for freedom and the fight you made sure to prevail. Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight.
Some may say that many people don’t appreciate you and some may say that you were not as successful as wanted with establishing this country. This I disagree with. I would prefer to put them in your shoes and question them on their knowledge during the times of the Revolutionary War and when you signed the Declaration of Independence. How would they start a country? I perceive this task as a pretty challenging one. One that takes a thought process of very smart individuals. To decree laws and then use them 300 years later is quite an achievement! Due to your laws we have become very successful but we continue to apply our strength judiciously and to preserve human rights around the world. Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave.
In the third verse in the Star Spangled banner it states ”Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.” Britain left a print on America at the start of the Revolutionary war killing many of your brethrens, but once the war had subsided it showed that there blood of defeat had washed away those prints. Leaving a space for our new patriotic blood to fill. 


Monday, October 15, 2012

Casey at the Bat: Cause and effect.

Authors Note: In the story Casey at the Bat  there was a very obvious cause and effect, so knowing this I thought it would be a good topic to analyze. I pretty much had a easy time writing this.

It’s the biggest game in Mudville, the final inning is up and the score is not looking to good in the story Casey at the Bat. Mudville losing by two at this point, all they needed was to get Casey at the bat. Two teammates struck out and two hit line drives to receive a single and a double! Finally, they’ve put Casey at the bat. The crowd roared and cheered because they all knew Casey could easily win the game! He stepped up to the plate soaking up the attention. He let the first and second ball go because that wasn’t his “style”. Casey began to get cocky with his abilities and start to show off. He had two strikes, would he make it three?

As you can see Casey was very arrogant and stuck up. He thought he was so much better then everyone thought and he could hit any ball. Making a scene and waiting till the last strike to try and hit the ball. In result Casey ends up with a swing, and a miss! His arrogance left him with the whole town aggravated, disappointed, and cheerless. There are many different scenarios that could have drastically changed the outcome of this game. Casey could have tried to hit it each time he would have had a way better chance of winning the game. Or maybe if he just could lose his self-centeredness for a few minutes to win the game not only for himself but for the town and his team. If Casey would have played differently the effect on the game would have been different.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Werewolf vs. Vampire: Conflict resolution

Authors Note: Conflict is very obvious in the Twilight series. Two different monsters fight over everything, the only agreeable thing is that they both are immortal. This made writing a conflict resolution piece very easy to write about. 

Werewolves and vampires; one’s fuzzy, one shines, one sleeps, one doesn’t, one lives, and one does not. They both fight over the girl, the people, and the territory. It’s an endless war between the two people, more like species, in the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. I would consider it a Person vs. Person conflict. The two societies clashing every time they interact with each other. Their cultural differences and beliefs make it exceptionally hard for them to look in to each other’s eyes.  Two men, one from each the vampires and the werewolves, fight over Bella. She’s just a quiet outcast, new to the town of Forks. Jacob, werewolf and Edward, vampire, fall head over heels for Bella creating the Ultimate battle between the two supernatural monsters. One of the biggest questions was who should she choose.

Bella, it’s the girl both Jacob and Edward wanted. Although, in each book Bella and Edwards relationship grew just a little stronger and she ends up married and with a half vampire child. They love each other, but the space imbedded in both Bella’s and Jacob’s heart is that special spot that no one else can take up. Bella understands the love Jacob has for her and always will. In the end of the series Jacob learns to swallow his sorrows and look elsewhere for love, he learns to live with the scent of the Vampires and learns to coup with his jealousy. Both vampires and werewolves will never fully agree or connect in anyway, but learn to live with each other’s differences for the  girl each loves. 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dottie: Narrative

Every child knows how to work the system. Those sweet little faces, quiet voices, big eyes. Almost like a puppy; simply irresistible. My brother, sister and I added the two together to create the ultimate product. A dog.

My siblings and I always wanted a dog, it was the one thing most American Families had and we did not. Therefore we insisted on adding a new member to the family. We tried the "Everyone else has one" Or the occasional "We will take care of it, promise!" But if that wasn't working we went to option C, Morgan (my older sister). Only used for special occasions like this and not very frequently to avoid repetition.

Morgan was the Google queen she could find anything and everything on the internet and write heartfelt letters that my parents just couldn't resist (this was the exact way we got our past cats). My sister Googled and researched until, finally, she found a litter of puppies in the area. It was from a breeder, personally I would prefer to rescue but at age 8 I didn’t think much of it.

The breed was an English setter. Perfect size, not to big, not to small and a bird dog (Pointer) just as my father wanted. She presented her findings to my parents, they immediately fell in love and we, without delay, planned a day to go see the puppies. Although my Dad specifically said you are only looking not buying, we all knew we were getting a new puppy. Luckily, my mother did too.
Once the day had arrived to "look" at the puppies we had only seen in pictures we were thrilled. The family piled in to the car, with the exception of my father, due to work. My mother stopped at pet store to buy a cage and toys for the puppy—but yes, we were only “looking”... 

Once we had arrived at the breeders home we ran straight to the pen of puppies. They were black and white, and white and red. Adorable. About 8 of them rushed to the front of the fence at our approach. Front paws pressed up against the cold metal, yearning our attention. Each of our fingers slipping in between each small diamond shaped hole just to feel there 8 week old fur and wet soft tongues kiss our fingers. Our faces  lit up and when we turned around to see my mother’s reaction; we knew we were in luck as she was just as excited. One of the dogs stood out, she was a small, hyper female that was bounding around the cage. The puppy had a big brownish red dot on her lower back. We couldn’t resist playing with her and we knew she was the one.

As she was separated from her brothers and sisters their cries grew stronger. A mixture of jealously and distress came from each yip. You couldn’t help but want to take them all home, a frown swept across my face. Looking back at all the puppies wondering where each one will end up. If they will ever be taken home. That thought just erased by sounds behind me; my family cooing and calling for our new dog. Ironically the breeder told us they called her Dottie—Which is what my mother and all her siblings call my grandma— So let’s just say the name stuck. Dottie seemed like the happiest best dog ever! Until we started on our way home…

The entire trip home was a chorus of yips and whines coming from the puppy in the back. Definitely a time to bring the headphones!  Obviously upset about leaving her littermates; all I wanted to do was climb in the back to “save” her. Every time I even tried to reach my hand to the back it was swiftly slapped away like a fly.

“Leave her alone, she will keep doing it if you give her the attention”,  my snotty sister hissed at me.

In my head her comment made no sense, she should surely be happy I would even offer to stop the annoying dog. Apparently this offer meant nothing to her, so I eventually gave her a dreadful look, rolled my eyes, and gave up. Then resumed to dream about the wonderful adventures I would have with Dottie. She would love me the most, sleep with me, play with me, and I would make sure  that every person knew she was basically all mine. I was the happiest girl alive.

6 years later…

This dog loves my mother the most. This dog sleeps with my mother. This dog plays  with my mother. My mother makes sure that every person knows that Dottie is basically hers. As luck would have this dog truly enjoys my mother’s companionship more than anyone in the family. We children do all the work only to fall short in the end.